NMD 206-Spring 2011 Projects

Deep Play Project Approach

The point of the game, "Do I Know You?", is to find topics to start conversations about. Before doing that, however, the players must participate in a task similar to pictionary where they get a card with a question that they must answer about themselves via drawing clues on a notepad. There is no time-limit nor "punishments" or "rewards" for guessing correctly or incorrectly but rather the player draws until someone guesses correctly or the other players agree to give up. Once the answer is revealed, the player whose turn it was must explain why they chose what they did and that will hopefully incite conversation amongst the players.

The Rough Sketches of the various aspects of the game:

rough sketch board

A very rough concept of the board for the boardgame. The colored spaces will be assigned a category or genre when there are enough questions to be assorted into such categories.

Game piece design

The game pieces will consist of a plastic peg with a slot large enough to insert a card. The cards will be similar to a blank canvas where players can draw their own individual symbols for identification.

Playing Card design

The design for the playing cards; the first four match the colors of the spaces on the board and represent the different categories and will have questions from those categories on the appropriate colored card. The card on the bottom represents what the backs of all the cards will look like.



Reading Responses

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